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Sunday, June 16, 2024

DJ Cuppy Honoured at Buckingham Palace, Appointed King’s Trust International Ambassador

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Billionaire businessman Femi Otedola expressed his pride as his daughter, Florence Otedola, popularly known as DJ Cuppy, visited Buckingham Palace.

The visit came at the invitation of His Majesty, King Charles, in celebration of the King’s Trust Awards 2024.

DJ Cuppy, a renowned DJ and philanthropist, shared the invitation letter from the King, which marked a significant moment in her career.

During the prestigious event, she received her official appointment as a King’s Trust International Ambassador.

Otedola praised his daughter’s achievement, highlighting how she represented the family with distinction.

He extended his congratulations to Cuppy for her new ambassadorial role, noting the honor and responsibility that come with it.

The appointment recognizes her contributions to music, philanthropy, and her ongoing efforts to inspire positive change on an international scale.

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