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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Israel Hater Briahna Joy Gray Fired From The Hill After Rolling Eyes at Sister of Oct. 7 Hostage

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Briahna Joy Gray a notorious anti-semitic Israel hater and political commentator was sacked from The Hill — days after rolling her eyes while interviewing the sister of an Israeli abducted on Oct. 7 victim.

“It finally happened. The Hill has fired me,” Briahna Joy Gray wrote on X Thursday. “There should be no doubt that @RisingTheHill has a clear pattern of suppressing speech — particularly when it’s critical of the state of Israel.”

An outlet spokesperson also confirmed to The Post she was no longer employed at The Hill.

In a follow-up tweet, Gray said her firing was “clearly part of a coordinated effort.”

Gray said she had no additional comment when reached by The Post Thursday evening.

Gray, Sen. Bernie Sanders’ former press secretary during the 2020 election, was slammed for her treatment of Yarden Gonen, the sister of Romi Gonen, who was kidnapped by Hamas on Oct. 7, during an interview on Tuesday.

When Yarden Gonen told Gray that she hopes she believes female victims who say they were sexually assaulted by Hamas terrorists, Gray rolled her eyes and abruptly ended the interview, video shows.

“I really hope that you, specifically, will believe women when they say that they got hurt,” Gonen said.

Gray lets out a sigh, appears to roll her eyes and says, “All right thanks for joining. Stick around,” as Gonen is still trying to get a word in.

Romi Gonen, 23, called her mother while she was in a car on Oct. 7 and ambushed by Hamas militants.

Her best friend Gaya Halifa, 24, lay dying in front of her.

Yarden Gonen told The Hill that the last she’d heard about her sister was during the November cease-fire deal, when some released hostages recounted some “horrifying things” they experienced.

The released hostages told her they saw Romi on Oct. 7 being dragged by her hair with a wounded arm. At one point she was knocked unconscious after a militant hit her with his weapon.

“This is how you treat people? This is how you treat people?” Yarden asked on the program.

“And this is only the things that happened to my little sister on Oct. 7, and from then, we don’t know what else.”

Gonen said she didn’t want to talk politics when pressed about the situation in Israel by Gray, telling her that she was only there to tell her sister’s story.

When Gonen was asked if she felt that Netanyahu was prioritizing his political aspirations over the lives of hostages, she said it was not her “profession” to comment.

“I am here to talk about my sister; please, help me spread her story. Help me make people understand what she is going through as a woman in 2024,” she said.

Gray’s demeanor during the interview outraged viewers online as the clip circulated on social media.

Hen Mazzig, the founder of the Tel Aviv Insitute, wrote “The Hill’s @briebriejoy rolling her eyes and sighing after Yarden Gonen, sister of a hostage in Gaza, asking her to believe rape victims.

“No low this person won’t sink to, truly disgusting,” he added.

Gray has not been shy about her view regarding Israel, and has openly said she believes it should not exist as a state in its current form.

Last month, during a panel at the Dissident Dialogues festival, she said: ‘When Hamas is talking about eliminating Israel, it’s not talking about killing all the Jews.

‘It’s about eliminating the idea of a Jewish state — ending a Jewish state, ending an ethno-nationalist state and having a state more like what we have in the United States of America.’

After the panel, as reported by the New Republic, Gray told the moderator: ‘This is the most Islamophobic, racist audience I’ve ever seen.

She added: ‘It’s disgusting. I hope someone drops a bomb on this entire building.’

X users have been slamming Gray online, accusing her of anti-Semitism and a lack of compassion.

Carly Pildis, with the Anti-Defamation League, said: ‘The way Brianna Joy Gray sneers and rolls her eyes at Israeli pain paints a picture of dehumanization.

‘She cannot bear to witness Israelis as human and deserving of sympathy. My global Jewish community suffers the blowback of antisemitism Briahna has propagated.’

Democratic Bronx congressman Ritchie Torres also weighed in, reacting to Gray’s firing.

‘I have as much sympathy for Briahna Joy Gray as she has for the hostages,’ Rep Torres said on X. ‘None.’

Ritchie had previously said: ‘The family member of an Israeli hostage pleads with Briahna Joy Gray to believe Jewish women who have been abducted, tortured, and raped by Hamas.

‘Instead of projecting empathy, as a normal person would, Gray rolls her eyes, her mouth dripping with contempt. Gray has a hatred for the Jewish State so visceral and fanatical that it renders her cruelly indifferent to the value of Jewish life.

Meanwhile, Iranian activist Matthew Nouriel said: ‘Briahna joy gray encapsulates everything wrong with the American left – a lack of knowledge coupled with over confidence.

‘Add to that her utter arrogance and unmitigated hatred of Jews and this is what you get – a narcissistic as***** who thinks this is acceptable. She’s a disgrace.’

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