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Your December Career Horoscope to Manifest Your Dream Life


Congrats! You’ve made it to the final month of the year, which is why it’s time to start planning for the next with your December 2022 career horoscope!

You’re starting off the month with Neptune—planet of dreams and spirituality—stationing direct in the ethereal and romantic sign of Pisces on December 3.

This will bring you back in touch with your imaginative center, deepening your connection to your daydreams and fantasies. If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

This comes just a few days before Mercury—our trusty planet of communication—enters reliable and hard-working Capricorn on December 6.

Make no mistake—you’re being asked to shoot for the stars in terms of our career and finances this month.

And with the full moon in Gemini happening on December 7, things are sure to get interesting when we consider networking, collaborating and schmoozing as a way to end 2022 on a high note. Call on your connections to help you get you ahead this month!

Venus, our planet of money and beauty, will enter earthly Capricorn on December 9, joining forces with Mercury to really open doors of opportunity for promotions, raises and recognition that is well past due.

And with Jupiter—planet of luck and windfalls —entering fiery Aries on December 20, you can rest assured that new beginnings in your work and finances are inevitable!

The sun will enter Capricorn on December 21 and the new moon joins in shortly after on December 23, letting us end the year in style and prosperity.

Although not many will want to hear it, Mercury retrograde in Capricon starts on December 29 and will stay there until January 18 of 2023.

Make sure that you get all of your ducks in a row before the new year hits, as this one is sure to have you reassessing your budget, business partnerships, and submission timelines. Remember: you and your well-being are always a top priority over your work.

Every zodiac sign can expect an interesting development to unfold in their career during December 2022.

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