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Donald Trump: Joe Biden Is An Enemy Of the State (Video)

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Donald John Trump has lashed out at President Joe Biden, calling him an “enemy of the State.” Speaking at the Pennsylvania rally ahead of the midterm elections holding in November this year, the former President also called out the FBI raid “a travesty of justice.”

President Biden on Thursday tackled Trump in rare virulence accusing him and his Make America Great Again (MAGA) supporters of “thriving in chaos.”

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic…They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.”

“MAGA forces are determined to take this Country backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception and no right to marry whom you love,” Biden said.

“As you know this week, Joe Biden came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to give the most vicious, hateful and divisive speech ever delivered by an American President, vilifying 75 million citizens plus another probably 75 to a hundred and fifty if we want to be accurate about it as threats to democracy and as enemies of the State.

He (Joe Biden) is an enemy of the State, if you wanna know the truth.”

“The enemy of the state is him (Biden) and the group that controls him, which is circling around him (you do this Joe, do that Joe). “How’d you like the red lighting behind him like the devil?” (in reference to the background where Biden made his own speech days earlier). I think Philadelphia was a great choice to make this speech of hatred and anger

His speech was all hatred and anger and by the way the next morning, he’s forgotten all he said, I am sorry. Oh I didn’t think I said that, did I?’

Trump also called out former President Barack Obama:

‘They say he’s so handsome. They say he’s such a great speaker. What does he say? He says nothing.’

He also tackled the FBI after a raid on his Mar-a-Lago residence:

The FBI and the Justice Department have become vicious monsters. controlled by radical left scoundrels lawyers and the media who tell them what to do—you people right there—and when to do it.

They’re trying to silence me and more importantly, they are trying to silence you. But we will not be silenced, right. We will never stop speaking the truth. We have no choice because we’re not going to have a country love. The evil and malice of this demented persecution.

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