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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

EFCC Detains Abubakar Isa Funtua

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The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), has confirmed that Abubakar Isa Funtua, son of late Isa Funtua, a Federal Minister in the second Nigerian Republic, is currently cooling off in detention at its headquarters in Abuja.

This followed reports that Abubakar was in detention and awaiting trials over alleged fraud and theft involving over N28bn.

The report said he was arrested by operatives in his Abuja home early Friday, and would likely spend his Sallah holiday in detention.

Confirming the detention, the EFCC spokesman, Dele Oyewale said: “Yes, it’s confirmed,” adding that Abubakar is being detained at the EFCC headquarters in Abuja.

The alleged crime by Abubakar Isa Funtua

Abubakar Isa Funtua and his Ugandan business associate, Asega Aliga, were alleged to have looted N28 billion from Keystone Bank and fled Nigeria.

The duo is alleged to have used 13 shell companies to collect Agricultural loans from the Central Bank of Nigeria, (CBN) under Godwin Emefiele.

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